-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Brown
Sent: Apr 19, 2009 11:50 AM
To: ben_d_frauded , Bill , Ken Kennedy , Victor Afanasiev
Subject: ACC
From: seahorse@jps.net
Subject: Re: ACC
To: "Clem Brown"
Date: Monday,
Bill: Since you specifically identified me as a problem, This response is my own and no one elses. You were not treated rudly. A discussion whether spirited or not is healthy and productive. I believe you are listening to the wrong people and are following flawed advice..
Mary: Gee I wonder if we were at the same meeting???
Bill: First, Any member can review and copy certain association records Civil code1363.05 (b) and 1365.2(d). This means the records will stay under the control of the Association and will not be removed for any reason except perhps storage, then they still are under the control of the Board.. Some records are not subject to review. Removal of records from our control only comprimises our credibility and privacy rules.
Mary: The ACC reports are just the lot number, address, description of project and whether they have been approved, denied, or pending. If they are pending it is up to the ACC to keep track of the project, to work with the owner, to resolve the project to get it approved!!!
All I was asking the board about was to keep the information updated in the computer. No originals were removed only copies so I could keep track of pending projects. The different counties also send to the office emails about a member applying for a permit. When this happens it’s up to the ACC to track the project and send them a letter to inform them that they need to apply for an ACC approval!!!
Bill: Second, The Board of Directors is a group or team and no director, President or Board Member, can speak for the whole board. Without Board approval. A former President violated our By Laws and committed the Association to a 15 year contract. Our By Laws state we cannot commit beyond one year. Can we get out of it? Probably, but do we want to burden the members with additional legal expense? The answer is NO.
Mary: I had met with Ken and Lew earlier in the week to talk to them about this 14 month lap; and could I take the duty off from current office manager. But all that Lew wanted to know was why I hadn’t contacted him over a question I had about the trails!! County owned trails.
The letter I was referring to was a president over ruling the ACC and approving a member’s project!!
Bill: Whether you like it or not, This Board is committed to the benefit of ALL members. Bill
Mary: If that is true then why is a board member singling out certain members for harassment.???
Just look at the cartoon in our current newspaper.( He has a case against this association for libel if he chooses to pursue it.) Plus no non-profit organization can pay or advertise political opinions… They could lose their non-profit status.. DA!!! What are they thinking; it is not about all the members!!!
Lew put on his website that members have a right to know. Why are our minutes put on his website before ours? Plus censored !!!
This current board is not for all members… The power has gone to their heads!!!