From my understanding the purpose of this “special meeting” on
I want to ask, what makes you god with ability to punish anyone for exercising his right to free speech?
Director Barton expresses his favoring of a recall of this board; I support that opinion 100%. This board has wasted so much time and energy on worthless pursuits. For example, this meeting today is a waste of District resources. Any censure at this meeting or at any time on this issue is a violation of rights to freedom of speech. Directors Barton and Punte only have the best interest of the District at heart. One director acts as if he doesn’t care about much and the other two only care about themselves, adding a feather in their cap, playing big shot and tooting their own horn.
You’ve managed to alienate one employee already with your hyjinks and exposed the District to a possible lawsuit. How many more employees will you alienate before you drive this district into the ground and force the State to take control? That will spell disaster for us all and the blame will be all yours.
Secondly, the Brown Act violations that occurred repeatedly at the meeting on Aug. 3rd are outrageous. I am seriously considering making a formal complaint to the Mariposa County District Attorney against Directors Marquette; Kinsella and Ross. It is time that the shenanigans come to a halt and you start conducting the board meetings in a dignified and professional manner.
It is quite obvious that you haven’t familiarized yourself with the Code of Ethics in the District’s Policies and Procedures. Policy Number 4010 in part:
4010.1.1 The dignity, style, values, and opinions of each Director shall be respected.
4010.1.2 Responsiveness and attentive listening in communication is encouraged.
4010.1.3 The needs of the District’s constituents should be the priority of the Board of Directors.
4010.1.4 The primary responsibility of the Board of Directors is the formulation and evaluation of policy. Routine matters concerning the operational aspects of the District are to be delegated to professional staff members of the District.
PS: It’s not your responsibility to act as GM. The district has a professional administrator responsible for the business operations of the District. LET HER DO HER JOB! It’s not your responsibility to oversee field operations. The District has a supervisor responsible for this. LET HIM DO HIS JOB!
4010.1.5 Directors should commit themselves to emphasizing the positive, avoiding double talk, hidden agendas, gossip, backbiting, and other negative forms of interaction.
PS: By my count, all five of these policies have been violated)
Basis of Authority
Policy number 4070
4070.1 The Board of Directors is the unit of authority within the District. Apart from his/her normal function as a part of this unit, Directors have no individual authority. As individuals, Directors may not commit the District to any policy, act, or expenditure.
(In short Directors Kinsella and Ross, unless you have consent from the board, voted and approved, you do not direct traffic or inject yourself into any of the operational duties of the District, field or office.)
Since this meeting is about censuring Director Barton, who is it that needs to be censured, I wonder? Directors do not censure other Directors. Gentlemen, it’s time to get off your high horse, settle down, familiarize yourself with policy and procedures, state code, Brown Act and start being a Director. As I stated earlier, this meeting is a waste of District resources and every ratepayer should be as outraged as I am.
I am stepping out of my comfort zone. I don’t like speaking in public or having my words become part of public record. But when it comes to an injustice I have a moral responsibility to speak up. This meeting and censure is an injustice to Director Barton, to the employees of the District and the community.