At the Lake Don Pedro Owners Association
Meeting held on May 16, 2009
10:00 am
5182 Fuentes De Flores - Hacienda
This is the official Newspaper of The Lake Don Pedro Owner’s Association. “The primary purpose of the Association shall be to further... and promote the common interests and welfare of its members.” This certainly did not happen in the May issue when an extremely disparaging cartoon was published against one of its own members, Tom Porter. This cartoon’s message serves no one in the community, and only hurts and angers the good and decent people of Lake Don Pedro. If this kind of activity goes unchecked, who might be next? Defaming any member’s character, as this cartoon did, should never be tolerated, or accepted. The Board of Directors should be roundly criticized and ashamed for permitting this to be published. Their serious lack of judgment in doing so brings into question their ability to represent us in a responsible manner. We as members, all have a voice. We can exercise that voice by attending the Lake Don Pedro’s Owner’s Association meeting on May 16th, 2009, at 10:00 am . Let’s stand up for what we know is right by objecting to this scurrilous attack on Tom Porter’s integrity, a good man , who has contributed so much to this community throughout these past years.
Meeting held on May 16, 2009
10:00 am
5182 Fuentes De Flores - Hacienda
Have you read or seen the most recently published May edition of the “All New Discoverer”?