Monday, May 18, 2009

“One Gal’s Opinion”

The LDPOA Board of Directors’ monthly meeting was held this past Saturday and for the standing-room only attendees, it was an abhorrent display of mismanagement on the part of our so-called Association leaders. The main items on the agenda contained a presentation from Cal Fire, the various committee reports and some vague old business. However, the primary purpose for all of us attending was to support the Porter Family, Harry Alfier and to voice our disgust over the Board’s management practices, more importantly, the use of the Association newspaper for their own views.

What we witnessed Saturday was seriously appalling and should not be taken lightly. Frankly folks, our twins’ 6th grade class could have conducted themselves and the meeting in a more professional manner than that exhibited by the current Board. These so-called leaders (and they are not leaders after seeing their conduct Saturday) run this corporation daily without heed to oversight, management or accountability. It is clear they do what they want with our money and without the member’s input. This must STOP.

As the meeting was over 3 hours long, it is unreasonable to convey every detail, but the items of most concern are as follows:

1 - Pledge of Allegiance. This was on the agenda; however, the Board stated they did not have a flag and therefore, the Pledge was overlooked. My question to the Board is if you can spend thousands of dollars on this New Discoverer, you can certainly afford a proper flag and stand so that it is available for proper use for any meeting that is held in the Lounge. Also, where was the podium? Has this been discarded as well?

2- President Kennedy - we all regret he didn't attend the meeting. We were told he was absent Saturday due to illness. Unfortunate for Kennedy to be absent or dare I say ironic that he would miss such a contentious meeting.

3- Vice President Kinsella - A ridiculous excuse for a leader. Halfway through the meeting, he dons a flak jacket that he had stashed behind the Directors’ table. Apparently, the truth was hurting him. He is yesterday’s leftover and should be discarded as such. His connection with both the LDPOA and LDPCSD is not a good match as it is obvious that confidential information from one board is leaked to the other and for this reason (among many others), he should resign from both.

4- Richardson - all in attendance saw the real Lew: a man full of angst on the verge of mania. He has done nothing for the Parks, nothing for the Trails but he is good at spewing vehement bile on a website. He is not of true character for if he was, he would not have to hide so readily behind a computer screen.

5- The Rest – Mr. Afanasiev, Mrs. Reese, Ms. Perez and Mr. Day. As to these individuals, all four of them were appointed not elected to the Board. All I can say about these folks is it is clear who runs the Board and these people do not. They are merely warm bodies to fill a space. They are now in the backlash of what the “leaders” decide/think. If they were smart, they would have resigned post haste and got the hell out of Dodge Saturday to avoid any future personal liability.

The Board commented on the cost of the recount and how it was a waste of money and no one showed up. If the election audit would have been handled properly, the elected Directors may have just been landowners like the rest of us. The cost of the recount was an issue at the last meeting. According to Richardson and Kinsella, it was a waste of money. Now they have the same concerns regarding a recall. If their real concern is the cost to the members, then we propose that they ALL simply resign and save us the money.

The support for the Porter Family and Harry Alfier was tangible Saturday and rightfully so. These are people who invested hard work, time and money into our Community for the betterment of our members. For the Board to misconstrue their good works is reprehensible. Funny – they hate my husband and the baseball folks just as much for improving El Prado Park. For those of you who don’t know the full story, Mike had to literally fight and beg for $5k last year for the ballpark yet now this Board finds it in themselves to spend half that amount each month to publish a newspaper we don’t need? I would vote any day to expend that kind of cash monthly to organizations who could put it to good use (i.e. Soccer Association, 49er Little League, Lions Club, the Schools!) Our Association is entitled to representation that promotes good works, not chastising the good people who do.

The Board was asked to resign Saturday and not one of them stepped out the door. What does that tell you? They are entrenched until we all throw them out.

We spent over 3 hours away from our kids on Saturday to attend the meeting. We are not lacking for things to do in our family; however, if we are all to live here and better our community, we all need to take heed of the Board’s actions as their misdeeds will be our mess to fix.

For all the readers out there, I ask that you take a moment and get involved so that we can bring better representation to the Association as there is so much GOOD we can do with the proper leadership. Unfortunately, the ship has sailed for this group and now they are mere fodder in a sea of childish behavior.

As for me and my house, we will continue to befriend Harry Alfier as he is a wonderful man with genuine character. We will also be spending the Summer with the Porter Family, utilizing the beauty they have created in the little oasis known as the Lake Don Pedro Golf & Country Club. The golf course is spectacular, the staff is second to none, and the camaraderie found at LDPGCC is unmatched.

I urge you to sign the Board of Directors’ Recall Petition as it benefits all of us to find strong, honest and most importantly, adult representation! Thank you for the opportunity to post this on an uncensored medium.

This is just “One Gal’s Opinion” -

Shelley A. Cummings

LDPOA Member, Wife, Mom, Golfer and Baseball Lover!


  1. Saturday's meeting was the first one I attended in a long time and I was thoroughly disgusted by the board's treatment of the members who spoke out against their actions.

    In the last twenty years I have seen many boards and can say without a doubt this is one of the worst ones ever!

  2. I like One Gals Opinion, A Board with this mentality and hate, should resign, they have no common sense and are not for the members, and the silent ones are dangerous because they do not speak up for what they stand for, or are they part of the loose cannon group.

  3. I'd happily sign a petition to end this board's heinous mistreatment of the office. Where can I sign up?
