Friday, May 1, 2009

Mary Responds to Board Vice President

-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Brown
Sent: Apr 19, 2009 11:50 AM
To: ben_d_frauded , Bill , Ken Kennedy , Victor Afanasiev
Subject: ACC

After the rude conduct of all board members on Saturday I can no longer serve on the ACC. I quit.... When an employee has more power then a member something is wrong especially when that employee not only owes her job to Vicki, but is also a non member.
All I wanted to do is get the records in order and maybe in time convert them all to CD's with the paperwork protected in poly sheets or binder pockets.
There is nothing in our by-laws, corp. code, or Davis- Sterling that stops me from making copies of ACC reports. It is only Bill's and probable other members of the boards opinion..
I do not believe that any letter a president sent out would not stand up in court.

If any of you ever attempt to stop a member from doing something on his land that has been previous approve and I find out about it, I'll inform that member about the Supreme Courts Equal Treatment Doctrine.
What comes around goes around... Mary

Subject: Re: ACC
To: "Clem Brown" , "ben_d_frauded" , "Ken Kennedy" , "Victor Afanasiev"
Date: Monday, April 20, 2009, 4:28 PM


Bill: Since you specifically identified me as a problem, This response is my own and no one elses. You were not treated rudly. A discussion whether spirited or not is healthy and productive. I believe you are listening to the wrong people and are following flawed advice..

Mary: Gee I wonder if we were at the same meeting???

Bill: First, Any member can review and copy certain association records Civil code1363.05 (b) and 1365.2(d). This means the records will stay under the control of the Association and will not be removed for any reason except perhps storage, then they still are under the control of the Board.. Some records are not subject to review. Removal of records from our control only comprimises our credibility and privacy rules.

Mary: The ACC reports are just the lot number, address, description of project and whether they have been approved, denied, or pending. If they are pending it is up to the ACC to keep track of the project, to work with the owner, to resolve the project to get it approved!!!

All I was asking the board about was to keep the information updated in the computer. No originals were removed only copies so I could keep track of pending projects. The different counties also send to the office emails about a member applying for a permit. When this happens it’s up to the ACC to track the project and send them a letter to inform them that they need to apply for an ACC approval!!!

None of this was being done for 14 months!!! The current secretary of our board said that the information was an unnecessary redundancy!! UNNECESSARY REDUNDANCY!!!!

Bill: Second, The Board of Directors is a group or team and no director, President or Board Member, can speak for the whole board. Without Board approval. A former President violated our By Laws and committed the Association to a 15 year contract. Our By Laws state we cannot commit beyond one year. Can we get out of it? Probably, but do we want to burden the members with additional legal expense? The answer is NO.

Mary: I had met with Ken and Lew earlier in the week to talk to them about this 14 month lap; and could I take the duty off from current office manager. But all that Lew wanted to know was why I hadn’t contacted him over a question I had about the trails!! County owned trails.

The letter I was referring to was a president over ruling the ACC and approving a member’s project!!

Bill: Whether you like it or not, This Board is committed to the benefit of ALL members. Bill

Mary: If that is true then why is a board member singling out certain members for harassment.???

Just look at the cartoon in our current newspaper.( He has a case against this association for libel if he chooses to pursue it.) Plus no non-profit organization can pay or advertise political opinions… They could lose their non-profit status.. DA!!! What are they thinking; it is not about all the members!!!

Lew put on his website that members have a right to know. Why are our minutes put on his website before ours? Plus censored !!!

This current board is not for all members… The power has gone to their heads!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

What’s up with ACC

I had an article submitted for the Discoverer. Guess what it wasn’t printed, all it was ACC guidelines. Now in the Discoverer they have posted a new dead line to mail in your applications, which are several days before the meeting. Who has taken over the ACC and what is their agenda??

On a directors website he stated that what I said wasn’t relevant. Stating the fact that the new office manager had not been updating the ACC reports for 14 months or forwarding me the emails from county on permits. This is not relevant???

Some of the directors are singling out individual members for harassment. I guess if they are leaving you alone it’s not relevant???

This director is pissed off at me because I didn’t contact him directly about the trails, instead I went to the source Lyle Turpin, who is the county head of trails. I had a question on county ruling about the trails.

As former chairperson of ACC the association has no jurisdiction over trails. So why would I go to the association appointed trails rep??? I’d been dealing with Mr. Turpin directly for well over a year.

When I was appointed chairperson of ACC, it was at an open board meeting. Minutes after they (the board) received my email resigning, they appointed Alice chairperson over the phone…

We have a serious problem bruin in this association..

Mary Brown

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A New Tread for Members

I have received lots of calls from members and have decided to create this tread so members can post their comments without having to know how to set up a blog.

Here is all you have to do.
  1. Send me what you would like to have posted in a word document ( make sure you have a title or subject).
  2. Attach picture if you want that included.
  3. Let me know if you want to have your name attached or if you want to remain anonymous.
  4. Send it via email to
  5. Do not use profanity or name calling
The LDPOA website was created so that the association could update and inform the membership on issues, but it doesn't seem like they are using the website much. Which is a shame.

We have many things come up that are of concern to the members between times that the Discoverer is published and shouldn't it be published on the member website? After all the website was paid for by the members.

The members blog was set up so that members could communicate with the community. I know there are members out there that would like their views or concerns heard and this forum is for them to use it they choose to.

Also any groups out there that would like to get their functions or notices published this is just another way to do it.
