Friday, September 25, 2009


Sept. 24, 2009, the Board of Directors held a special meeting in which they accepted the resignation of the Operations Manager, Jason Mc McCullough. Jason, however, is probably relieved that he longer has to put up with all the harassment from certain staff and directors. Directors Kinsella and Ross have done it again. When will they learn that the CSD Board is not the “good ole’ boys club”? So far in the 10 months on the board they have managed to drive away two good employees.

The board will be hiring a General Manager and in the interim a temporary operator at the tune of $85 + per hour. I wonder what Jason thought hearing the board discuss hiring his replacement at this high price. Unless they learn to stop the meddling and harassment, they’re only going to dig their doo-doo pit deeper than it already is.

They wouldn’t stop harassing Jason, is a new person going to fare any better, someone who doesn’t know our system or community like Jason does? I doubt it. What about the extra cost the CSD will incur hiring electricians; mechanics; plumbers; backhoe operators; etc. all this at a time when they are supposed to be cutting costs. Common sense alone tells you that costs won’t be cut, unless they’re lucky enough to acquire another gem, (Jack of all trades) willing to work 16+ hours a day. There is no one to blame but themselves, not the previous boards which is their custom.

At today’s meeting, Director Ross stormed out of the closed session, through the building slamming the door saying “I’m out of here”. This is not behavior becoming of a Director. The rate payers of the district deserve better. He was totally out of line with his “paid for by Emery Ross” advertisement in the September issue of the Foothill Express, publicly discussing an employee of the district. His behavior clearly indicates he hasn’t passed Ethics 101. He needs to step down and give the district a chance to move forward. I shudder at the thought of another year with him on the board. What will the next year bring?

Jean Barclay


  1. I'm not sure why he left,but will wait and see why he did what he did. I do agree that Bill and Emery can't keep walking out of meeting just because they don't like what is said. I will miss Jason we the people can never replace him. He knows more than anyone at the C.S.D. This board needs to get it together. The people that sat in on this know more then most of the board does. This is so sad.

  2. Jason and his folks have been my neighbors since I moved up here and it broke my heart to hear his parents speak at the meeting.

    Jason told me that Bill came up to him and said he had called his new employer and that Jason had lied about having a job. Can you believe that! What in the world gives Bill the right to bully an employee and call him a liar?

    Jason has worked at the district since high school and since Bob Kent left has been working 16 hrs a day doing 4 jobs and being pulled left and right by several directors.

    I wish Jason the best in his new job and know that he will do well.

    Now thanks to some of the directors CSD has no GM, no shop supervisor, no foreman and no one even certified to run the backhoe. And these guys think they know what they are doing Geez!

    Ask yourself why in 8 months did these directors keep voting no to getting a new GM until last week under pressure of a packed house of ratepayers demanding that they hire one?
